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Otrzymasz swój osobisty link do naszego webinarium. Pamiętaj, że ten link jest ważny tylko przez 24 godziny. Następnie musisz poprosić o nowy link. Miłego oglądania. Z poważaniem, zespół Van Amerongen CA Technology.”
Don’t be a “waste watcher” and join us on how to fight fruit waste. By providing innovative products, knowledge, and implementation of advanced CA-storage solutions we are ready for the next level! We invite you to join our mission.
This online webinar is locked and loaded with valuable info to expand your CA business to be able to protect your investment in the next level storage solutions.
The webinar will guide you within 45 minutes through our world of fruit quality protection by showing high-tech equipment, sensors for essential information, the My-Fruit All-in-One management system, international fruit-storage protocols, and the latest dynamic innovations in CA storage.